N E W - W A V E of Information, Technology and Entertainment ... सुचना प्रबिधी र मनोरन्जनको नयाँ तरंग ...


Very Important : For those who work on Computer

Proper hand positioning.

Adequate leg room should be available under the work surface. materials should not be stored under work surface. The work surface should accommodate all required materials. Item used infrequently should be stored elsewhere. The height of the work surface should adjusted to the level of the elbows with the arms hanging the sides.
If using an unadjustable work surface on a temporary basis adjust the chair height so the level of the elbows is approximately the same height as the keyboard. If the feet do not rest flat on the floor or excessive pressure is felt on the back of legs, a footrest should be used.

Usual zone: this area should contain only items that are used most frequently, like keyboard, mouse, and note pad.
Occasional zone: this area should contain only items that are used periodically, like telephone, calculator, in out try, rolodex.
Rare zone: this area should contain only items that are used seldom used or for display only, like pen/pencil cup, desk plant, photos, clock.

Sufficient Lighting.

STAND in front of the chair. Adjust the height so that the seat is approximately at knee level.
SIT So that the space between the front edge of the chair and the lower part of the legs just fits a clenched first.
ADJUST the backrest of the chair so that it supports the curve in the lower back.

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